Generous zoning laws have meant that any Denver Highland lot of reasonable size is being sold & scraped, and, shortly thereafter, is home to a new modern duplex with a few square centimeters of yard. That route wasn’t for us.

We’ve lived in the Highland neighborhood of Denver for nearly a decade, but we recenly decided we needed more space for our growing family. We wanted the house and the yard, and we didn’t really want to compromise on location. That made of a long search for our next home.

Throughout that search we fell in love with the brick victorians in the neighborhood, and we knew at first glance that 3344 Zuni would make a great home for us - but it took some imagination.

Exterior in 2015 (at time of our purchase) Exterior in 2015 (at time of our purchase)

Worn and dry wood details Worn and dry wood details

We’ve just started to dig into the history of this home, and as far as we can tell, this house was built in 1886, and was owned & occupied by the Cochran family for more than a century. In 1993, the house was sold, and a new family set their sites on some lofty improvement projects.

Dan Cochran (a descendant of the original owners) was thoughtful enough to make an early home video of the state & history of the house prior to the 1993 sale, and Burt & Lori were graceful enough to transfer this to DVD and leave us with a copy. We’ve digitized this video, and included here for reference. Please excuse the quality of the video - VHS in 1993 wasn’t exactly 4k quality.

We love having such an intimate view of the history of this home.

Before we move in, there are some projects to undertake. We can’t possibly get to everything, so we’ll prioritized the floors - something that would be much more difficult with furniture.